Risen ascended Jesus we give you thanks, because nothing, not life nor death, nor anything in creation, could ever separate us from your love for us.
Kindle in our hearts your warm fire of justice and an unwavering hope. Amen. (from Christian Aid Week Daily Devotional).
Dear All Saints and St Mary's Ascension stands the centre of this week. We hear how Jesus, lifted into the clouds, returned to his Father in heaven. Where’s the hope in that? I hear you ask. Has God abandoned us? Certainly not. As Jesus said, ‘I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, who will stay with you forever’. John 14:16. Our hope is rooted in two things: the power of prayer and the promise of the Spirit . Power of Prayer. Jesus enthroned at his Father’s side, prays for us in heaven. Intercession is vital. Prayers change lives. Our own intercessions echo Jesus’ goodwill towards the world. We pray earnestly for healing and transformation in lives. Promise of the Spirit. Jesus leaves so the Spirit can come to us - every where, anytime. Beyond Galilee. Beyond the First Century. Through the work of the Holy Spirit God’s presence and power can reach every corner of the globe in every time and place - from the community of Fishponds, Bristol, UK, to Malawi, Africa - the focus of Christian Aid week. At training by Citizens UK this week we saw how stories - commonly referred to these days as lived experience - can be a powerful tool at the negotiating table: a tool for change in a community to bring to life the statistics, information and research findings. It is stories that illuminate and underpin the need for a better playground, toilets or improved public transport or whatever. Christian Aid is passionate about storytelling. This year they are sharing the stories of struggles, hopes and dreams of two women in Malawi: Jen and Esther - to inspire our solidarity by giving money, so that we can demonstrate our belief in God’s justice for the poor. Everyone loves a story. We listen and learn far more about the need for climate justice and educational provision, by hearing the stories of Jen and Esther and their families in Malawi. At All Saints we will watch a film and hear more about Esther at the service of Holy Communion at 10.30. There are Christian Aid envelopes in both churches or better still donate online. https://www.christianaid.org.uk/appeals/key-appeals/christian-aid-week The angels are right to say, ‘Why are you standing there looking up at the sky?’. Our hope of heaven needs feet on earth doing God’s work. That’s why we continually pray ‘Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as in heaven’. Till we really mean it. Revd Diane, curate at All Saints and St.Mary’s. This SUNDAY 21st May - The Sunday after Ascension
10.00 - Service of the Word with Baptism – St Mary's
10.30 – Holy Communion with focus on Christian Aid week– All Saints
Weds 24th May | 9:00am | Celtic Morning Prayer | All Saints |
Thurs 25th May | 10:00am | Holy Communion | St Mary's |
Sat 27th May | 12:00noon | Saturday Lunches | St Mary's |
Sun 28th May | 9:00am | Holy Communion | All Saints |
| 10:00am | Sung Pentecost Holy Communion | St Mary's |
| 10:30am | Holy Communion for Pentecost | All Saints |
LOOKING FURTHER AHEAD Holiday Bible Club for ages 4-12 is happening every morning from 24-28 July at All Saints. Our theme this year is Jonah with tons of games, bible stories, crafts, drama and signing. Forms can be found in St.Mary’s and All Saints. Book now as spaces are limited. Please speak to Revd Diane or Revd Lizzie for more information. _________________ Revd Diane Simms Assistant Curate All Saints and St Mary's Fishponds I use the pronouns she/her/hers