Dear All Saints and St Marys
I have always had a soft spot for the Feast of St Michael and All Angels.
I have found the ministry of angels, be them earthly or heavenly, to be a source of protection, wisdom and blessing in my own Christian faith. I would agree with Archbishop Desmund Tutu who once said "Angels speak in many layers of meaning and mystery, trying to express the inexpressible. If we ignore them, our lives are the poorer."
So, it is a huge delight when this festival combines with our joining together as a Benefice for our worship on this coming Sunday at St Marys. We also have the privilege of being able to combine this feast by welcoming the charity "Through the Roof":, who are one of the nominated charities we are supporting at St Marys in 2024.
"Through the roof" seek to transform the lives of disabled people in different parts of the world. Katie, who works for the charity will be joining us to reflect, challenge and bless us with her own experience and wisdom.
This week's worship: SUNDAY 29th SEPTEMBER
8:00am | BCP Holy Communion | All Saints |
10:00am | Sung Holy Communion | St Marys |
Mon 30th Sept | 10:30am | Tiny Tots | All Saints |
Tues 1st Oct | 10:30am | Music 4 Toddlers | St Marys |
Weds 2nd Oct | 9:00am | Celtic Morning Prayer | All Saints |
Thurs 3rd Oct | 10:00am | Holy Communion | St Marys |
Fri 4th Oct | 11:00am | Living After Loss | St Marys |
Sat 5th Oct | 10:00am | Coffee Morning & Book Sale with Bristol Repair Café | All Saints |
12:00noon | Saturday Lunches | St Marys | |
Sun 6th Oct | 10:00am | Creative Church | St Marys |
10:30am | Holy Communion and Junior Church | All Saints | |
6:30pm | Choral Evensong | St Marys |
The collect prayer for Michaelmas - may we know the defence of your love and be defenders of your people.
Everlasting God, you have ordained and constituted the ministries of angels and mortals in a wonderful order:
grant that as your holy angels always serve you in heaven,
so, at your command, they may help and defend us on earth;
Revd Lizzie
Vicar of All Saints and St Marys Churches, Fishponds
Interim Co Area Dean Bristol City Deanery
Please be advised that Monday is my day of rest so I do not respond to emails on that day of the week.