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THANK YOU and support, prayer and courage

All Saints Fishponds

Updated: Nov 21, 2020

Dear All

Greetings and Peace to you all. I hope this email finds you safe and well.

I firstly wanted to say THANK YOU. It has been a difficult couple of weeks with the rules around Covid starting to tighten and I know that has brought a whole new set of challenges. Thank you to those who have put in many hours and efforts to open up again some of the groups that run in our churches. And also thank you to those who have had to make hard decisions about events and groups that have had to be postponed due to the increasing limitations. It is not easy navigating this, but I know that decisions in all cases have been made carefully and conscientiously.

Please do also read the letter that is attached from the Archbishops of Canterbury and York which I believe strikes a good and clear note about

support, prayer and courage at these times.

Thank you also to everyone at both churches who have over the last few weeks cleaned, mowed, and cleared the grounds at St Marys and All Saints – it makes such a difference and the message sent to the community is a really positive one.

So thank you to you all for being supportive and loving to one another at this time and also for your prayers and thoughts for my family as we said goodbye to my grandmother the other week, it is much appreciated.

Sunday Services this week are as follows  

  • 8am – All Saints – Holy Communion – Revd Lizzie (Celebrating and Preaching)

  • 10am – St Marys – Holy Communion  - Harvest Service – Please bring non perishable goods! (Revd Lizzie Celebrating and Preaching)

Attached to this email

  • Church at Home – The games of follow the leader look ace!

The Sunday Coffee and Chat zoom link is

Topic: Zoom Coffee and Chat

Time: Sunday 11:45

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 922 2627 5253

Passcode: 200369

NB: Please be aware that due to the tightened restrictions that the SALE TRAIL on OCT 3rd AT ALL SAINTS HAS BEEN POSTPONED until March 2021. The organisers are really sorry about this but it has been a necessary decision in light of recent government announcements.

With my prayers and Blessings.

Revd Lizzie

Revd Lizzie Kesteven

Vicar of All Saints and St Marys Churches Fishponds



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