Dear All Saints and St Marys This Sunday we mark Remembrance. Alongside sisters and brothers around the world we will pause and stay silent for 2 minutes at 11am on Sunday. For some it will be at a deliberate and intentional act at a particular place; be it a village green, in a church, on a beach or at a memorial. For others it will be spontaneous as others around them slow and stop and pause and how that then ripples out to others around them be it in a park, or a shop or on a bus. There is something that is important about remembering together. There is a way in which it shapes and forms individual stories and community identities. At that moment of pause people remember a vast spectrum of people, places and events in our past lives. In that remembering, also on this Sunday, there is a renewal of a commitment. It is a commitment to peace. A commitment to reconciliation. A commitment to try again at being part of a world that seeks justices, and knows Gods mercy for all people. It is deeply powerful and profound as communities gather in that moment to both repent and hope. This Sunday at both churches there are a variety of ways in which we can gather to worship and remember. We look forward to welcoming you in the different ways to worship and remember this weekend. REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY 14th NOVEMBER 2021 8am – All Saints - Holy Communion 10am – St Marys – Holy Communion 10.45 – All Saints – All Age Remembrance Service with the Scouting Association 11.00am – St Marys – Fishponds Park – Outdoor Civic Service of Remembrance 7.15pm – Generations Christian Youth Group – All Saints Please find here the roots materials to use at home.
The weekly notice sheets can be found at the bottom.
Looking to the week ahead
Wednesday 17th:
09.00 – Celtic Morning Prayer at All Saints Church Thursday 18th
10.00 – Holy Communion at St Mary’s Church Sunday 21st
10.00 – Creative Church at St Mary’s Church - Suitable for families and children 10.30 – Holy Communion at All Saints Church 18.30 – Choral Evensong at St Mary’s Church
All Saints also has it's fayre in a fortnights time.
There is a prayer of commendation that I want to finish which I have found useful this week to pray with I hope you do too. Almighty and eternal God For whose love in Christ we cannot be parted, Either by death or life Hear our prayers and thanksgivings For all whom we remember this day Fulfil in them the purpose of your love And bring us all with them to your eternal joy Through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Amen Revd Lizzie
Revd Lizzie Kesteven Vicar of All Saints Church and St Marys Church, Fishponds Interim Co Area Dean of Bristol City Deanery Advisor for Spirituality and Spiritual Direction for Bristol Diocese 0117 9650856 07973917720