Dear All Saints and St Marys
As we enter into the third week of advent we are asked to be a people who rejoice. To be people of Joy. This Sunday, Advent III, is also traditionally known as “Gaudete” Sunday, a day of refreshment from the austerity of Advent. The readings for this Sunday take on a new energy as we are a people who are invited to “Rejoice and pray without ceasing”. (Thessalonians) They mark a moment when we know that we are getting closer to Christmas – it is literally just around the corner!
As from the 17th December there is also an tradition from the 6th Century of marking these final days of Advent with the O Antiphons. They mark the different ways in which we name Jesus – Emmanuel, Rex, Oriens, Clavis, Radix, Adonai and Sapientia – which reads “Ero Cras” meaning “Tomorrow I will be there”. Each day from now till Christmas we can consider who it is that we are waiting for – God with us, King, Morning Star, Key of David, Root of Jesus, Lord and Wisdom. The titles which are ascribed to Jesus. Each day from now until that morning, we are encouraged to enter more deeply with joy into what it means to worship God in Jesus Christ.
In this last week of Advent, among all the carols and preparation, I am looking forward to holding onto this time of space and reflection, to staying with the waiting season a little longer and commend to you the O Antiphons as a way of doing this.
Our Sunday services for the 17th December are as follows:
10:00am | Creative Church - Theme: Advent | St Marys |
10:30am | Holy Communion with Hymns | All Saints |
6:30pm | Carols By Candlelight | St Marys |
Please find attached the weekly sheets and Roots materials at the end of this message.
Weds 20th | 9:00am | Celtic Morning Prayer | All Saints |
6:30pm | Carols Around the Yew Tree | All Saints | |
Thurs 21st | 10:00am | Holy Communion | St Marys |
2:00pm | All Saints Family Cafe Christmas Crafts | All Saints | |
Sat 23rd | 12noon | Saturday Lunches | St Marys |
4:00pm | Family Carols with Christingle | St Marys | |
Sun 24th | 8:00am | Holy Communion | All Saints |
10:00am | Sung Holy Communion | St Marys | |
10:30am | Service of the Word | All Saints | |
7:30pm | Carols By Candlelight | All Saints | |
11:30pm | Midnight Mass | St Marys | |
CHRISTMAS DAY | 10:00am | Christmas All Age Communion | St Marys |
10:30am | Christmas All Age Communion | All Saints |
Revd Lizzie
Revd Lizzie Kesteven
Vicar of All Saints Church and St Marys Church, Fishponds
Interim Co Area Dean of Bristol City Deanery
Advisor for Spirituality for Bristol Diocese
0117 9650856