Dear All Saints and St Mary’s
This Sunday we take a break from the gospel according to Mark. We start a series of readings from the sixth chapter of the gospel according to John that will take us through the summer. (We will be getting back to Mark at the beginning of September). This Sunday we have two of Jesus’ most spectacular miracles: the feeding of the five thousand and walking on the water. Next Sunday, Jesus contrasts those seeking purely physical food and those looking for more spiritual nourishment. The following weeks we reach the high point, with Jesus’ declaration that he is the bread of life (John 6.35) and the living bread (John 6.51). This then culminates at the end of August with many disciples finding Jesus’ teaching difficult and turning away from him.
Many of those who turned away from Jesus must have known about Jesus’ miracles. It is likely that some of them were among the five thousand that Jesus had fed. Others would have seen Jesus healing the sick. They seem to have forgotten all that Jesus had done to show to them who he was and that he could be trusted. We can easily fall into the same trap. Despite knowing all that God has done for us, we can forget that he is with us and try to succeed in our own strength. It is all too easy to do what those around us want rather than thinking about what God wants. We will be starting this journey on Sunday at our 8.00 am Holy Communion service at All Saints and our 10.00 am Holy Communion service at St Mary’s.
Our 10.30 am service at All Saints continues our series of discussions bases around the characters in the books of 1 and 2 Samuel. This week we come to the character of Bathsheba and King David’s biggest mistake. We will reflect on the use and abuse of power and how we respond to those who point out our failings.
This gives the current services for the coming Sunday.
8:00 am | All Saints | Holy Communion (said) |
10.00 am | St Mary's | Holy Communion |
10.30 am | All Saints | Cafe Church |
With Holiday Bible Club over, our midweek services return to normal, with Celtic Morning Prayer on Wednesday and Holy Communion on Thursday. Next week we have our usual pattern for the first Sunday of the month. There is Creative Church at St Mary’s at 10.00 am and Holy Communion at All Saints at 10.30 am. This gives the following services for the coming week:
Wednesday 31st August | 9.00 am | All Saints | Celtic Morning Prayer |
Thursday 1st August | 10.00 am | St Mary's | Holy Communion |
Sunday 4th August | 10.00 am | St Mary's | Creative Church |
10.30 am | All Saints | Holy Communion |
As we celebrate the end of another Holiday Bible Club, let us give thanks for this amazing opportunity to share God’s love with children from our community. May God bless all who were involved and strengthen them to walk in his ways.
Yours in Christ
Mark Simms
Licensed Lay Minister
Benefice of All Saints and St Mary, Fishponds