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Praying, Loving and Serving God here in this place

All Saints Fishponds

Updated: Mar 27, 2021

Hello Everyone

I hope that this finds you well and in good spirits. We are now in March. How did that happen?

We are also now firmly into Lent and therefore looking towards the festival that defines us as Christians – Easter. We have been working on how the patterns of that will shape in the coming weeks and I will share that with you all as soon as possible.

This week, life at home has been a little more hectic, normally coming in the shape and size of a energetic nine year old. But we have survived and next week will no doubt bring more surprises.

Below is information, links, zoom codes for the tomorrows worship and the coming week and Mothering Sunday plans and then a little message from me on the video at the end – something to make you smile I hope!

In terms of our services THIS SUNDAY 7th MARCH LENT 3

10.30am at All Saints - Holy Communion – Sharon Gleed is preaching. Revd Janey will celebrate and Revd Lizzie will lead.


6.30pm at St. Mary’s – Evening Prayer – Revd Janey will Lead and Revd Lizie will give a short homily.

As with recent weeks, the service from All Saints will be broadcast – from our YouTube channel -

You are very welcome to attend either service if you feel comfortable doing so, although we appreciate too that some of you may still feel safer joining in online for the time being. We are together in spirit, even when not in person! If you do decide to come along, please bear in mind we’re still in the realms of face coverings, track & trace, hand sanitiser and social distancing, all of which have become part and parcel of our gatherings over the course of the last season!

This will be followed at 11.30am by Coffee & Chat on zoom – join with this link:

Meeting ID: 922 2627 5253

Passcode: 200369

Attached to this message are the Roots at Home sheet and the Roots Activity sheet as well as notice sheets.

In the week ahead, we have a wonderful selection of opportunities to pray and grow in faith together:

Monday 8th March

Morning Prayer at 8.15am (on zoom), hosted by Carla. Please email if you would like to be added to the circulation list for the link.

Wednesday 3rd March

Celtic Morning Prayer at 9am - (on zoom), hosted by Mark. Contact Mark on 0117 951 8419 for details.

Private Prayer All Saints - open from 10am-11am

Lent Group at 7.30pm (on zoom), where we continue our exploration of ‘The Joy of the Gospel; by Paula Gooder, a book which “… enables individuals and groups to rediscover the joy of encountering the good news of Jesus and the transformation that is possible when we communicate the good news to the world today.”

Meeting ID: 995 1693 8516 and Passcode: 136387

Thursday 4th March

Private Prayer St Mary’s - open from 10am-11am

Friday 5th March

Evening Prayer for Lent at 6.30pm (on zoom), hosted by Sharon.

You can log on Zoom with these codes: Meeting ID: 3802068975 and Passcode: 579429

Next Sunday 14th March – Mothering Sunday

So the week after this is Mothering Sunday – that means a whole year has passed since the first lockdown began. Extraordinary. This is a pause for light refreshment in the middle of that penitential season of Lent – and so we need to do something different that is both celebratory and joyful but also recognises the significance of this day in all its myriad ways for people as well.

8am: All Saints – Simple Said Holy Communion

10am: St Marys – A short and friendly simple communion service followed by some planting of bulbs in pots to be blessed and taken away.

3pm: A spot of Gardening Fun at All Saints –

This is one for the kids to enjoy the grounds of All Saints – Bring your tools and gloves, help with a spot of gardening in the grounds and we will end at 4.30pm with a blessing of pots and flowers for peoples homes.

It has been a week full of Saints Days! So from St David to St Chad to St Piran in Cornwall. A celebrations feast of celtic followers of Jesus. So here is a mini vlog from the churchyard – just click or open the link:

Blessings and peace from here at the vicarage to you all.


Revd Lizzie Kesteven

0117 9650856


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