Dear All Saints and St Marys
We approach the final festival of the Easter Season – Trinity Sunday. Yet it could also be viewed as the First Sunday of a new season in the Church. It is a festival which often reminds me of the fictional French Musketeers – D’Artagnan, Athos, Porthos and Aramis whose phrase was “One for all and All for One”.
Christians experience God, who is One, in three interconnecting and mutually dependent and co existing ways – what is commonly known as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The intellectual engagement of how this is possible, to be both One God but known in three ways simultaneously has delighted and perplexed people for many hundreds of years.
For me the interesting thing lies more in the way in which God the Creator, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit interact with each other. What does it mean to know God in different ways? What does the relationship and energy and fellowship between the Father, Son and Spirit show us about God? What does that relationship teach us about how to be more fully human?
“All for one and one for All” is a memorable way in which I am reminded that the Trinity of God is a way in which individuals are in fact deeply dependent and connected to others in the community, and only truly flourish if others are also allowed to flourish equally and simultaneously. Happy Trinity!
Services this Weekend – 4th June - Trinity Sunday
10:00am | Creative Church | St Marys |
10:30am | Holy Communion with Hymns and Junior Church | All Saints |
6:30pm | Choral Evensong –
| St Marys |
Weds 7th June | 9:00am | Celtic Morning Prayer | All Saints |
Thurs 8th June | 10:00am | Holy Communion Corpus Christi | St Marys |
Sat 10th June | 12noon | Saturday Lunches | St Marys |
Sun 11th June | 10:00am | Sung Holy Communion | St Marys |
| 10:30am | Muddy Messy Church | All Saints |
Please find the weekly sheets at the end. Blessings Revd Lizzie
Revd Lizzie Kesteven
Vicar of All Saints Church and St Marys Church, Fishponds
Interim Co Area Dean of Bristol City Deanery
Advisor for Spirituality for Bristol Diocese
0117 9650856