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All Saints Fishponds

Updated: May 11, 2024

I wonder how people in the early churches felt when they received a letter from Paul? Knowing his tendency to speak his mind, I could understand them not being really enthusiastic about it!

This week the Deanery Chapter spent time reflecting on the first 2 chapters of 1 Corinthians. Paul had to write to the Corinthian church to tackle divisions that had formed in the church. How he does so is to write some of his most beautiful prose. He writes of the love of God that underpins and informs everything, and that every single person has a uniquely significant role in this new family, this body of Christ. His stressing love being the bedrock that is God and that transforms all who accept Jesus is powerful and transformative.

The letter to the church at Thessalonica isn’t written to address a problem. It’s a joyous one of celebration and gratitude, written to commend and encourage a church that’s displaying generosity and hospitality, living out that love written about in 1 Corinthians. The power of this love has become widely known, and it's attractive, it speaks more than words can do. This is a joyful, glorious letter, reminding us that Paul didn’t only write to condemn or correct.

The Gospel tackles the challenge made to Jesus about taxation, but this is really about loyalty and authority. The clever rhetoric is used to try to catch Jesus out, to trap him. Yet he is not just wiser than his questioners, but more agile with his engagement with the word games that they are playing. In doing so, he teaches us about the nature of real authority and the role of God.

This Sunday we have:


Said Holy Communion

All Saints


Holy Communion

St Marys


Cafe Church

All Saints


Please note the Benefice Holy Communion with full immersion baptism taking place at All Saints on Sunday 29th at 10.30. Please pray for all those to be baptised that day and all our baptismal and confirmation candidates.

Weds 25th Oct


Celtic Morning Prayer

All Saints

Thurs 26th Oct


Holy Communion

St Marys

Sat 28th Oct


Saturday Lunches

St Marys

Sun 29th Oct


BCP Holy Communion

All Saints


Benefice Holy Communion with Baptism

All Saints


Evening Prayer

St Marys

May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all evermore. Amen


Rev Kester de Oliveira


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