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Here I am to Worship

All Saints Fishponds


Dear Friends 


Matthew 2:11

They went into the house, and when they saw the child with his mother Mary, they knelt down and worshipped him. 


Epiphany (meaning revelation) celebrates the Wise Men’s discovery and worship of the Christ-Child at Bethlehem. So, this week it feels appropriate to ask ‘What is the point of worship?’ So I would like to offer three views on worship: 


  1. Worship is the capacity to appreciate what is of value outside ourselves. Without worship something in us dies. Worship takes us beyond ourselves. Our emotions and spirits can become deeply touched by God. Richard Harries, former Bishop of Oxford

  2. Worship is the well of life for all Christian living. How can we have ideas about God if we do not seek to encounter God?' When we seek God with fervour and feel his touch, we are like clay taken up by fire. The courtesy of reverent worship has an effect on the courtesy and care with which we live with others. George Guiver, former vice-principal at Mirfield (a college that trains priests)


We warmly invite you to encounter God’s loving presence in the worship offered across the Benefice this coming Sunday and in the week to come. 


SUNDAY WORSHIP ON 7th January 2024


St Mary’s

Creative Church for Epiphany with a talk on Gifts 


All Saints

Holy Communion for Epiphany with Band and Junior Church



Sung Holy Communion for Epiphany



Wed 10th January


Celtic Morning Prayers

All Saints

Thurs 11th January


Holy Communion

St Mary’s

Sat 13th January


Saturday Lunches

St Mary’s

Sunday 14th January


Holy Communion

St Mary’s

Sunday 14th January


Messy Muddy Church : Water

All Saints

Sunday 14th January


Generations Youth

All Saints Hall


3. Mark Earey, an Anglican adviser on worship and liturgy, is passionate about 'Worship that Cares'. He says that good worship takes us on a journey in four stages: 

1 Gathering (Why are we here?),

2 Word (What is God saying to us?),

3 Response (What should we do about it?) and

4 Dismissal (How then shall we live?). 


Even our more informal services - Creative Church at St.Mary’s and Messy Muddy Church at All Saints -follow this fourfold pattern. At Creative Church we gather around tables with a cuppa to start, then hear a Bible reading and reflection on a theme, next we respond with a craft and are invited to name people and situations to include in the prayers, finally we go out after a blessing. 


At Messy Muddy Church we gather either outdoors or indoors, hear a Bible story, respond by choosing between a few creative activities, pray together and sing or say a blessing. In 2024 Messy Muddy church is taking the four elements: Water – Fire – Air – Earth as exciting entry points into the Bible. January’s service will be water-based as we explore the Baptism of Christ. Expect to get wet!


Praying or singing along to the beautiful words of this hymn by Tim Hughes may help you prepare to worship the Christ-child, before you join us at one of our services this Epiphany


Light of the world you stepped down into darkness, opened my eyes, let me see.

Beauty that made this heart adore you, hope of a life spent with you.

So here I am to worship, here I am to bow down, here I am to say that you’re my God.

You’re altogether lovely, altogether worthy, altogether wonderful to me!


Revd Diane (curate)


PS Please could you return your Mary and Joseph Posada Kits to St. Mary’s this Sunday. Thank you.


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