Fear not, rejoice and be glad! Joel 2:21
Services this Sunday 15th September
St. Marys 10.00am - Sung Holy Communion
All Saints 10.30am - Harvest Holy Communion followed by Harvest Lunch
Donation of tinned and packet food welcome.
Donations to Christian Aid by envelope, or virtual envelope. Envelopes can be taken away and returned with a donation throughout September.
Greetings from Rev Diane
This Sunday sees the first of our Harvest Festival services – at All Saints at 10.30. Then next Sunday 22nd September at 10.00 Harvest will be celebrated at St.Mary’s with the Guides.
I confess I remember hymns more than sermons from my childhood and I loved decorating the church for Harvest Festival, savouring all the colours and shapes of flowers, fruits and vegetables. I remember sitting next to the sheaf of oats attached to the end of my pew and enjoyed investigating and eating the flour inside the grains. Oats grow well in the Irish climate.
My dad, a city boy from Belfast's Shankill Road, ended up as a Church of Ireland rector among farmers in South Armagh and Tyrone in the 60s and 70s. He was a good singer and a favourite harvest hymn of his was 'God whose farm is all creation' - partly because it was written by beloved cricket commentator of the day John Arlott. In church we thanked God for the sights, sounds, scents and tastes of harvest - a welcome respite from the sectarian violence of the Troubles.
Today we continue to live in a world of both bounty and scarcity, peace and war, reassurance and uncertainty. And yet as Arlott's hymn says, God takes our 'hopes and fears of sun and rain', ‘all our thinking, planning, waiting', still ripening the fruits and grains. God is good. All the time. He rewards the farmers’ labour – their ‘calendar of care’, as Arlott describes it.
Harvest reminds us to give something back out of what we have generously received from God.
Our thoughts turn to people who lack food and financial resources both locally and across the world.
So throughout the Benefice of All Saints and St Mary’s we are offering two ways to give to others this harvest.
1) by donating tinned and packaged long life foods for local foodbanks
2) make a donation to Christian Aid - by virtual envelope or envelope in church.
Christian Aid works with communities to help mitigate the effects of climate change by using alternative crops and farming methods. The charity supports the relief effort in Gaza and places on the brink of famine and advocates for climate justice worldwide.
In the Week Ahead
Mon 16th | 10:30am | Tiny Tots | All Saints |
Tues 17th | 10:30am | Music 4 Toddlers | St Marys |
Weds 18th | 9:00am | Celtic Prayers | All Saints |
Thurs 19th | 10:00am | Holy Communion | St Marys |
Fri 20th | 11:00am | Living After Loss | St Marys |
Sat 21st | 12noon | Saturday Lunches | St Marys |
Sun 22nd | 8:00am | Holy Communion | All Saints |
10:00am | Harvest Holy Communion | St Marys | |
10:30am | Café Church (King David’s legacy) | All Saints |
Thank you for sending rain and sunshine
Thank you for giving harvest growth
Thank you that we can share our food
With those who need it most!