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Conflict and Healing

All Saints Fishponds

Updated: Jul 13, 2024

Dear All Saints and St Marys

As we embark on the season of Trinity, a season that lasts till All Saints Day, we return to the gospel of Mark. Mark's gospel brings with it a sharpness and urgency to Jesus' ministry. This week we are reminded of the conflict that arose early on between Jesus and his fellow religious leaders of the day. 

Conflict, discord, disagreement between individuals, groups and nations is something that we are all very aware of. Some conflicts are easily resolved, and although challenging at the time, they can be significant moments of learning and understandings. Other conflicts can be overwhelming and messy and seemingly impossible to find resolution. 

Yet learning to live well together is a holy calling. That doesn't necessarily mean coming to some middle ground and compromise, indeed it can be a call for all people in that conflict to be changed - for everyone to move to a different position or place. 

Sometimes, when pondering and praying, just by physically moving to a different place and position can help adjust how I think and feel about an idea, a situation or a person. Lying on my back looking up at the stars, moving closer to a window to stare at it more fully, bending in prayer or rising to stretch my limbs can bring a fresh way of observing and being in the world. A reminder that we are rooted in our bodies, as living and breathing gospel people and recognising that the other person staring back at me, is also just as precious in God's sight.

Our worship this Sunday 2nd June


St Marys

Creative Church - Looking at the Saints


All Saints

Holy Communion with Junior Church


St Marys



Mon 3rd June


Tiny Tots

All Saints

Tues 4th June


Music 4 Tots

St Marys

Weds 5th June


Celtic Morning Prayer

All Saints

Thurs 6th June


Holy Communion

St Marys

Sat 8th June


Saturday Lunches

St Marys

Sun 9th June


Holy Communion

All Saints


Holy Communion

St Marys


Messy Muddy Church

All Saints



All Saints

Please find attached the weekly sheets and also the Holiday Bible Club Poster 2024 - places are filling up so book soon to confirm a space.


Revd Lizzie

Vicar of All Saints and St Marys Churches, Fishponds

Interim Co Area Dean Bristol City Deanery



Please be advised that Monday is my day of rest so I do not respond to emails on that day of the week.


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