Dear All Saints and St Marys
This Sunday is the great Feast of Pentecost, and I can't help but hum and sing to myself the hymn "Come Holy Ghost our Souls inspire”.
I find the ancient lilting tune of the 16th Century to be both haunting and comforting. It is perhaps also poignant as it is the hymn that is sung at the Ordinations of Deacons and Priests, normally the first verse and line being a solo by the Bishop, It has always felt like a moment of complete trust and fragility. Not many people enjoy singing solo lines in front of hundreds of people, and yet on our knees in prayer as the body of Christ, we ask for the Holy Spirit in that place to "inspire our souls".
The Holy Spirit is the inspiration in our lives. Often described in multiple ways, breath, fire, wind, power - to try and explain that life force that is in each person we encounter. The drive and force and breath of our lives. This week in worship join us as we pray, sing and reflect on this part of the Christian faith.
10:00am | Sung Holy Communion | St Marys |
10:30am | Holy Communion with Hymns | All Saints |
Mon 20th | 10:30am | Tiny Tots | All Saints |
Tues 21st | 10:30am | Music for Tots | St Marys |
Weds 22nd | 9:00am | Celtic Morning Prayer | All Saints |
Thurs 23rd | 10:00am | Holy Communion | St Marys |
Sat 25th | 12noon - 2:00pm | Saturday Lunches | St Marys |
Sun 26th | 8:00am | Said Holy Communion | All Saints |
10:00am | Sung Holy Communion | St Marys | |
10:30am | Cafe Church | All Saints |
May God's peace and protection and blessing rest on each and everyone of us,
may we encounter the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives
and may we in turn be inspired to bring light and goodness
in God's name to other people in the week.
Revd Lizzie
Vicar of All Saints and St Marys Churches, Fishponds
Interim Co Area Dean Bristol City Deanery
Please be advised that Monday is my day of rest so I do not respond to emails on that day of the week.