Greetings St.Mary's and All Saints!
At Glastonbury Festival the Sanctuary Tent is run by local Christians. It's a place people come to in search of free water, away from the heat. Volunteers notice that a cup of water is often the prelude to deeper conversations. Visitors are happy to find a listening ear, and frequently ask for prayer.
A simple cup of water is all it takes, says Jesus, to offer a welcome that cares. Hospitality stands at the centre of Christian discipleship.
But Jesus also warns his disciples that missionaries and prophets of God are not always made welcome. It’s tough but also a reality.
In the time of Jeremiah and Isaiah there were prophets plenty who were happy to get paid for telling people what they wanted to hear. 'Don't worry, 'bout a thing. Cause every little thing's gonna be alright' (springs to mind).
But God's free gift of forgiveness, his grace, gives us the courage to break through the veil of denial, when we are tempted to forget the meaner and more broken parts of us. Instead of turning a blind eye, we can turn back towards Christ in trust, because he knows and loves the whole of us and can transform us from the inside out. Stormzy's 'Blinded by your Grace' is a great counterbalance to Marley's 'Don't worry'. Stormzy says it like Paul after his Damascus Road encounter with Jesus.
Lord I've been broken Although I'm not worthy You fixed me I'm blinded by your grace You came and saved me
10:00am | St Mary's | Creative Church |
10:30am | All Saints | Holy Communion with Band and Junior Church |
Mon 3rd July | 10:30 | All Saints | Tiny Tot's |
Wed 5th July | 9:00am | All Saints | Celtic Morning Prayer |
Thurs 6th July | 10:00am | St Mary's | Holy Communion |
Sat 8th July | 12noon | St Mary's | Saturday Lunches |
8:00am | All Saints | Holy Communion |
10:00am | St Mary's | Sung Holy Communion |
10:30am | All Saints | Messy Muddy Church / Junior Church Celebration |
7:15pm | The Vicarage | Generations Youth BBQ |
HOLIDAY BIBLE CLUB 24-28 July mornings, at ALL SAINTS There are now forms for a space for all 4-12 year olds at the back of Church. Our theme this year is Jonah with tons of games, bible stories, crafts, drama and singing. Speak with Rev'd Diane or Lizzie for more information
On Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd July the Ordination of Deacons and Priests by Right Reverend Vivienne Faull will take place at Bristol Cathedral.
Among the deacons is Kester de Oliveira (our curate designate), Dr Simon Atkins (who is known to Fishponds people as a local GP) and James Manning (who did a placement with us in Holy Week).
Among the priests are Rev'd Sharon Gleed and Rev'd Sarah Heywood, whose vocations came to life during their time in our parishes. Please pray for them all as they continue to be God's blessing in the parishes they now serve.
Father God, we pray for all those preparing for ordination at this time.
Strengthen them as they serve your people.
As congregations may we welcome support and encourage them in their work.
Fill them with the fire of your Spirit, that their ministry may reveal the loving presence of Christ on Sundays and weekdays, both in church and in the forgotten corners of their parishes,
for Jesus Christ's sake.
Amen Thanks be to God! Rev'd Diane, curate.
ROOTS Weekly Activity Sheets for Children
You've probably noticed that we always include two activity sheets with our weekly email.
They are produced by Roots on the Web and are based on the readings set for this Sunday, using the Revised Common Lectionary. Let us know how you get along using them. Thanks.
What is Thrive and who is it for?
Thrive is the new name for Roots at Home. It’s a church-at-home resource for households of any size and age range.
It consists of a page with Bible notes and follow-up activities and prayers.
It’s really useful if you can’t get to church on a Sunday for a whole host of reasons, or want to explore the Bible and pray at home any day of the week and in any place - maybe even while camping on holiday.
What is Roots Activity Sheet and who is it for?
Roots activity sheet is used by children in churches during the church service, especially when there is not a Junior Church / St.Mary's Kids happening or if children simply want to stay in church and do an activity independently e.g. in the pew or children's corner. Of course, the sheet can be used at home, too. It usually includes colouring and puzzles.