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Blessings of Creativity and Healing

All Saints Fishponds

Dear All Saints and St Marys

It has been a joy to celebrate Harvest Thanksgiving in both churches recently. The whole season is known as Creationtide. Just look at these amazing collages Creative Church made last Sunday using natural materials found in St.Mary's Churchyard and petals from sunflowers donated by our friendly local Fishponds Sainsbury's.

Aren't they just a stunning riot of colour and pattern!

Services this Sunday 9th October

Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity

Readings 2 Kings 5: 1 - 3, 7 - 15; 2 Timothy 2: 8 - 15; Luke 17: 11 - 19.

8.00am Holy Communion at All Saints with Revd Lizzie

10.00am Holy Communion at St.Marys with Revd Diane & Mark

10.30am Muddy / Messy Church at All Saints With Revd Lizzie

Coming up in the week ahead

Wednesday 12th


Celtic Morning Prayer at All Saints Church

Thursday 13th


Holy Communion at St Mary’s Church

Saturday 15th


Organ Recital at St Mary's followed by....


Afternoon Tea followed by....


Choral Evensong at St.Mary's

Next Sunday 16th October

10am at St.Mary's Sung Service of the Word with Baptism

10.30 at All Saints Holy Communion

This Sunday's Bible readings from the Old and New Testament are about people being healed from leprosy and wanting to show their gratitude for their cure. Naaman the Syrian army commander wanted to lavish expensive gifts on the prophet Elisha, but he would not take them because he knew that that the thanks and praise should go to God. In a story of healing from Luke we will hear about 10 people whom Jesus healed from leprosy. Much is made of the fact that only one came back to say 'Thank you’. By sheer coincidence I was given two original batik banners (see photo) which were made during the 1970s in India by people with leprosy in the place where Irene Blessit was working. If you are in All Saints, do go and see the Mary and Child batik in the Lady Chapel. Creativity and healing are closely linked.

Following Revd Lizzie's encouragement last Sunday, let us continue to count our blessings and name them one by one, day by day. Then, as the song says, it may surprise you what the Lord has done.

Thanks be to God!

Revd Diane

Dressing for the colder weather at church

As the colder weather starts to become apparent we are trying a variety of different ways in which to conserve energy in both churches as well as still provide welcoming spaces for worship. Some services will move to easier spaces to heat, others will remain in church. We will experiment with what works best during the coming months.

Please do feel free to wrap up warm, leave hats on during a service, bring your favourite hot drink or water bottle with you.

We are also asking people to talk to PCC members and others in the congregations about what might work for them, and what their needs are. Some of us may not feel the cold as much as others, some of us have vulnerabilities that we are not aware of – we are all different, and yet have a shared responsibility to each other.


Revd Diane Simms

Assistant Curate

Benefice of All Saints and St Mary Fishponds


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