Christ is Risen! He is Risen Indeed. Alleluia. That is the shout - the cry - the rejoicing - the sound that echo’s around the world on this weekend. Easter is here. Jesus Christ has conquered death and in that given all of us hope and joy and strength to face what ever might be ahead of us, because Jesus walks ahead of us. In that way the Easter shout is more resonant today than ever before. Last year churches were shut and we could not even post things to one another for fear. This year although not the same as others, we are still able to gather, to worship, to hear the story of the resurrection, to witness together this great act of God and even if outside to sing. What a joy that is. Alleluia. Naturally there are still many people who are still at home, and so there will be a live broadcast of the 10.30am service from All Saints. The services for the EASTER weekend are 7.30pm – Easter Eve - Saturday 3rd – St Marys
The first fire of Easter and the Easter Vigil with the First Holy Communion of Easter. If you like story, song fire and mystery then this is for you! We begin outside the main doors.
10.00am – Easter Sunday – 4th April – St Marys Easter Sunday All Age Holy Communion – A easily accessible service of worship with song, and Holy Communion and Easter Eggs.
10.30am – Easter Sunday – 4th April – All Saints Easter Sunday All Age Holy Communion - A easily accessible service of worship with song and Holy Communion and Easter Eggs
5.00pm – 6.30pm - Easter Sunday – 4th April – All Saints - Generations Youth Group – Easter Day and Easter Egg fun.
Here are the Roots Activity sheet and notice sheets at the bottom.
This will be followed on SUNDAY April 4th at 11.45am by Coffee & Chat on zoom (A slightly later start!) – a really good place to do all that interacting if we want and need to. - join with this link: Coffee and Chat (Meeting ID: 922 2627 5253 / Passcode: 200369)
In the week ahead, we have a wonderful selection of opportunities to pray and grow in faith together:
Monday 5th April Morning Prayer at 8.15am (on zoom), hosted by Carla. Please email if you would like to be added to the circulation list for the link.
Wednesday 7th April Celtic Morning Prayer at 9am - (on zoom), hosted by Mark. Contact Mark on 0117 951 8419 for details.
Private Prayer All Saints - open from 10am - 11am
Thursday 8th April Private Prayer St Mary’s - open from 10am-11am
Sunday 11th April 8:00am – All Saints - Holy Communion 10:00am – St Marys -Holy Communion Keep an eye out for the magazine.
Feel free to sign up the zooms the diocese are holding in April and May around both Transforming Church and Living in Love and Faith so you can add your thoughts to both those important processes.
Also – I will put some sponsorship forms at church for the half marathon I am running with Flo Weston on April 19th! I am running for Christian Aid. Flo for Self Injury Support. Here is the document that is in the magazine and on there you will find all the information about both these charities and links to the fundraising pages! Pray for us and our feet!
Lastly a HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who has made the last 6 weeks of worship possible. It has been incredible the efforts of multiple people working to ensure that the churches, the worship, the technology, the care of others and the changes that have been needed are in place. My thanks to you all – I am truly grateful for the service and worship yo have all offered.
An Easter Prayer (Kathy Galloway) Christ our life, You are alive - in the beauty of the earth in the rhythm of the seasons in the mystery of time and space Alleluia
Christ our life, You are alive - in the tenderness of touch in the heartbeat of intimacy in the insights of solitude Alleluia
Christ our life, You are alive - to offer re-creation to every unhealed hurt to every deadened place to every damaged heart Alleluia.
You set before us a great choice. Therefore we choose life. The dance of resurrection soars and surges through the whole creation, This is grace, dying we live. So let us live. Blessings to you all this Easter. Lizzie Revd Lizzie Kesteven 0117 9650856 07973917720